The sperm sample is obtained, and then an expert embryologist evaluates the sperm sample through a series of diagnostic tests that help determine the amount or percentage of fragmentation in DNA. The test is carried out using an instrument called a flow cytometer, and stained cells are passed through a glass channel in a liquid suspension. A laser beam is used to emit fluorescent light of a specific color. The sperm with a lower level of fragmentation in DNA emits green fluoresce, and red is emitted by sperm that have a high to moderate level of DNA fragmentation. The percentage of DNA fragmentation in the sperm is expressed in the form of the DNA fragmentation Index.
With the treatment results, the specialist recommends lifestyle modification, some changes, and guides the patient towards the fertility treatment that offers the best outcomes.
This test is an ideal option for males who are above 45 years of age, suffering from unexplained infertility, female partner suffering from recurrent miscarriage, and detected with an abnormal semen analysis.
Suffering from infertility, visit today at Dr. Sowjanya Aggarwal IVF Clinic to overcome infertility issues and to achieve a healthy pregnancy.